How to Change Phone Number Verizon
Hello there! Have you been searching for a way to modify your phone number, but you are in a dead-end? Many people have several reasons as to why they change their numbers. Some do it because many people or new contacts have been pestering them, and some find their number too old or uninteresting and wish to switch to a simple number they can easily interpret with. If you are an existing customer at Verizon, you should familiarize yourself with the process of changing phone number at Verizon.
Verizon offers a real and straightforward time number changing process, which most carriers have not been able to achieve. What is more fascinating is that you can change your phone number straight from My Verizon app or when you log in to your account. They also have a dedicated customer care agents who will assist you in case you tarmac or have any issues regarding changing your phone number. Changing your phone number at Verizon wireless is absolutely free. They will not charge any fees or taxes to your monthly billings just because you opted to change your phone number.
If you have a Verizon smartphone and are an existing customer, you can easily change your number in simple steps, which I will later mention in this article. However, if you are a new customer, you may find some difficulty, and that is where this article comes to the rescue. So, read ahead to learn more about changing your phone number at Verizon wireless.
Who qualifies for changing their phone number at Verizon wireless?

Changing your phone number depends on several factors. If you are an existing customer, you can easily change your phone number compared to a new customer at Verizon. For existing customers, they have prior knowledge on how to navigate through the mobile app, so once you know the instructions, it will be easier to change the number. If you are a new customer or a potential one, you need to know the following so that you can change the phone number at Verizon;
For potential customers, you need to do the following;
Ensure to have a Verizon compatible phone
If you plan to bring your own phone at Verizon, you must make sure that your phone is compatible with Verizon wireless. If the phone is not compatible, Verizon has an online store whereby you can buy a smartphone of your choice. They offer the best unlocked phones under 100, and you can also get flagship devices like the iPhone 11.
Create an account at Verizon
You will need to create an online account where you will be getting your monthly billing plus more updates and offers regarding their services. The account can be created through My Verizon app or go to their website and follow the onscreen instructions
Choose a plan- After creating an account
You have the option to choose either a prepaid plan or post-paid plans. More details on the pricing and what you get in terms of talk, text and data units can be found on their website
These are the simple steps to become an existing customer at Verizon wireless. Actually, being an existing customer is the only major qualification for you to be able to change your phone number.
Can you choose your new number?
When changing your phone number, you have some authority on how your new number will look like. Verizon Wireless allows you to select the area code and prefix of your new number. The prefix is like the core of the number; hence, this means you have some power as to which type of phone number you would prefer.
However, the last four digits are what Verizon selects for you. The last four digits are offered in real-time, and there are no delays at all. Once this is done, you will be able to choose the phone number you want easily.
How much does it cost to change your phone number at Verizon?
If you are changing your phone number for the first time, there will be no cost incurred to your account or credit card. This applies to both existing and new customers. However, if you had already change your phone number and wish to do it again, it is best that you contact customer care and they will guide you more on the steps to change it again.
What will happen if someone calls my old number after I have changed to a new number?
Once you change your phone number, any calls or texts made to your old number will never reach you. This is because Verizon has already deactivated the number. However, to ensure that you keep in touch with friends and family, you can contact them with your new number so that if they want to reach you, they can easily do so. If you have an existing plan, you can also send a bulk SMS to your contact, telling them that you have changed your phone number.
At what point will Verizon limit you from changing your phone number?
There is one condition that will limit you from changing your phone number, and that is if you have a pending order. Pending orders are situations whereby you have made changes to your account, and they are not completed. This may be an upgrade on your phone, a change of your monthly plans, and any changes made to your account. If the order is still pending, you will be not only able to change your phone number but also do other tasks related to your account.
To complete a pending order, you can do the following;
- Navigate to My orders page on My Verizon app
- Click on the option “View pending account changes.”
- Click on pending account change to remove the pending order.
This the only major hindrance for you to change your phone number at Verizon. Once the pending order is removed, the process to change your phone number will be very simple.
How to change your phone number at Verizon
As I mentioned earlier, the process of changing your phone number is very simple, regardless of whether you are using my Verizon app or from their official website. However, the navigation system may be quite different with regards to the mobile app and the website, but the process remains the same. All you have to do is follow the onscreen instructions, and you will be done.
If you are using the website;
- Go to and Sign in to your account
- Select devices from the Verizon dashboard
- Click on the device overview and go ahead to click on the device you would wish to manage
- Scroll down to change the phone number and click manage- Remember, only the full account holders or managers will have the chance to change their phone numbers
- There you will have the choice of getting a new number or transfer an existing number- Transferring an existing number means you have the option to use the number you had from your previous wireless provider. To achieve this, the process goes like this;
- Check your number transfer eligibility
- Complete the transfer request form
- Wait for about 24 hours for the process to be fully complete
- You must also understand that costs may be incurred from your previous service provider once you decide to port your number. So, ensure to contact them and negotiate on the cost likely to be incurred.
- Also, read out the terms and conditions plus the review page carefully to understand the process completely.
- Next is to enter your Zip code or select the city and state you are in from the dropdown menu
- The next option is to select the first 6 digits of your phone number.
- Select the date for the change to be effective. If you chose on that same day, your phone number would change in real-time. However, if you choose another day, the phone number will be changed at midnight on that day.
- Once all the process is done, you will get a confirmation page with details on how you will activate your number. This will also depend on your previous selection with regards to whether you wanted to transfer an existing number or new number.
What to do if you have changed your phone number and the phone is not working
In several cases, devices may fail to receive incoming calls, make calls, or access the internet after changing the phone number. If that is the case, here is a step by step guide on what should be done;
For a 4G phone;
- Switch off the device
- Wait for 5 minutes and turn the device back on
- Call #382 to get verification as to whether your phone number is working
For a 3G phone;
- Switch off the phone
- ‘Turn it back on after 5 minutes
- Dial *288 and select 1 when prompted after which end the call
- Call #382 to verify that the phone number is valid
This is the simple process for changing your phone number at Verizon. The good thing is that you don’t have to fill a new address or any new details. Always remember that you can never go to your previous number once you have reviewed and agreed to change.
From this article, you can now change your phone number easily. However, most people fail to back up their contacts, but the good thing is that Verizon cloud services are here to help you. If you plan to change your phone number plus the phone, back up your contacts at Verizon cloud, and you can retrieve them easily once you switch your phone.